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  • Maraetai gearing up for 2021 Opti nationals

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    It’s been colloquially referred to as the Back Paddock by America’s Cup sailors but the waters off the Maraetai Sailing Club will be the Front Lawn for more than 200 young sailors in April.

  • Ep 24 - Jim Turner

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    Jim Turner was a leading figure in American Magic's challenge for the America’s Cup, which ended last week when they were eliminated from the Prada Cup.

  • Dawson buzzing about being in NZ SailGP Team

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    Erica Dawson's 2021 calendar is suddenly looking more complicated and the NZL Sailing Team member couldn't be happier.

  • Kiwis earn spots on World Sailing committees

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    New Zealand is well represented at the top table of the sport, with Kiwis sitting on 11 World Sailing committees and commissions for 2021-24.

  • Situations vacant - YNZ office administrator

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    Yachting New Zealand are looking for a friendly and professional office administrator to join the team at our Takapuna offices.

  • Melges 40 makes a Menace at Bay Week

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    Melges mania gripped the sailing community at this year’s CRC Bay of Islands Sailing Week, with the first ever head-to-head racing between four new-to-New Zealand Melges 40 class carbon racing yachts making waves in the regatta’s B Division.

  • High octane racing on its way to Christchurch

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    SailGP is coming to New Zealand, with Christchurch announced as the venue to host this country's first grand prix event in January 2022.

  • Armstrong masters the field at Laser nationals

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    Jenny Armstrong was able to draw on her considerable experience to narrowly win the Radial masters title at the Laser national championships at the Worser Bay Boating Club on Monday.

  • Mastercard YTP applications open

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    Applications are now open for the 2021 season of the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron’s world-renowned Mastercard Youth Training Programme.

  • Coaching opportunities available around the country

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    Clubs around the country are looking for experienced coaches as they look to continue to grow their learn to sail programmes.

  • Regional Roundup - around the country

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    In our regular focus on the regions, the four regional support officers look at what has been happening in their areas.

    Resources available to help clubs

  • Vagrants make successful raid at Sunburst nationals

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    The Pleasant Point Yacht Club showed off their new facilities when hosting the recent Burnsco Sunburst national championships and it is also believed to be the first nationals on the Christchurch estuary since the Zephyrs raced there in 1989.

  • Burling and Tuke awarded Lonsdale Cup

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    Peter Burling and Blair Tuke might have their immediate sights on defending the America's Cup but winning another Olympic gold medal for New Zealand is never far from their thoughts.

  • NZ marine industry helps Americans find more Magic

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    American Magic are expected to be back out on the water tomorrow and it's taken a massive effort from all of the teams and the wider New Zealand maritime community to make it happen.

  • It's Checkmate for RNZYS commodore

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    Aaron Young had a desire to advance the quality of club racing in New Zealand, which led him to impulse-buy a 40-foot carbon canting keeler from Europe within 72 hours of hearing about it and then persuading three mates to do the same.

  • Jest to feature at Pleasant Point centennial

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    The club's annual classic yacht race and display will be a highlight of the Pleasant Point Yacht Club's centennial celebrations over Waitangi weekend, especially as a special yacht will be present.

  • Opti sailors see future of sport up close at camp

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    The future of yachting begins in junior classes and the recent 2021 NZIODA North Island clinic certainly showed the future is bright.

  • New keelboat course for Auckland anniversary day

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    A change to the harbour course for keelboats will give participating sailors a new challenge, and spectators a different view, for Monday's Ports of Auckland Anniversary Day Regatta.

  • Auckland to Tauranga race caps off centennial

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    A highlight on the calendar of events to mark the Tauranga Yacht & Power Boat's centennial will be the Farmer Autovillage Auckland to Tauranga Centennial Yacht Race on March 26-28.

  • Former Paralympian now going the extra mile

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    Chris Sharp knows only too well the value of sport for people with disabilities and is now literally going the extra mile to help others in similar situations.

  • Rocket man heading to Laser nationals

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    Staffan Persson will casually launch a rocket into space tomorrow night before then trying to find his inner warp speed at next week's Laser national championships in Wellington.

  • Top sailors to feature at Bay of Islands Sprints

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    Olympians, NZL Sailing Team members and top youth sailors will be among those lining up for the inaugural Bay of Islands Sprints later this month.

  • Get big discounts with Safety at Sea

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    Safety at Sea have specialised in offering the world's leading marine safety products and aviation survival equipment for more than 25 years and Yachting New Zealand member card holders can access a 10 percent discount when shopping online.

  • NZ SailGP Team hold trials for female sailors

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    The inclusion of females in the New Zealand SailGP Team took a step closer at the weekend when a trial was held featuring six of this country's top female sailors.

  • Regional Roundup - around the country

    Issue date

    In our regular focus on the regions, the four regional support officers look at what has been happening in their areas.

    New Plymouth get a splash of colour

  • Watch all the anniversary day action from Westhaven

    Issue date

    Regatta spectators have grown accustomed to watching Auckland’s fleet of lovingly-restored classic yachts race from Westhaven on Anniversary Day and this year they have even more reason to do it.

  • Bay Week hits the century mark

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    The first 100 entries have been received two weeks out from New Zealand's largest multi-day keelboat regatta, the CRC Bay of Islands Sailing Week.

  • Locals rule at Waikawa's New Year Regatta

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    Local boats took the honours in all four divisions at last weekend's Giesen New Year Regatta at the Waikawa Boating Club.

  • Recent accidents show kill cords save lives

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    The death of a young sailor who was struck by a support boat late last year is a pertinent reminder all RIB operators should utilise kill cords when out on the water.

  • 2021 49er nationals rolling around quickly

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    Big fleets are expected again for next month's 2021 49er and 49erFX national championships being hosted by the Torbay Sailing Club.

  • Kensington builds successful P Class formula

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    Sean Kensington sailed the P Class he helped build to become the latest to do the Tanner and Tauranga Cups double at the Charteris Bay Yacht Club last week.

  • Green turns to gold for Torbay Sailing Club

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    The Sir Peter Blake Regatta is one of the best sailing events in the country and it enhanced its reputation even more recently when the Torbay Sailing Club were awarded gold status for their environmental efforts.