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Rules and appeals

The Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS) governs the sport of sailboat and sailboard racing. It is revised and published every four years by World Sailing. 

The current edition is the RRS 2025-2028 and came into effect on January 1, 2025.

The Yachting New Zealand Racing Rules of Sailing 2025-2028 contains the World Sailing Racing Rules of Sailing and the Yachting New Zealand prescriptions.

An electronic version of the Yachting New Zealand Racing Rules of Sailing 2025-2028 is available here:

The World Sailing version of the Racing Rules of Sailing 2025-2028 (including rule changes, corrections, and updates) can be viewed electronicallyclick here to do so.

The Yachting New Zealand Prescriptions for the Racing Rules of Sailing 2025-2028 can be found here:

Corrections and updates

This is where you find changes or corrections to the Racing Rules of Sailing:

Resources from World Sailing

World Sailing have established a page listing all the documents referenced in the racing rules book.

Resources include:

  • Call book for match racing
  • Call book for team racing
  • Interpretations of rule 42
  • World Sailing offshore special regulations

World Sailing provide a Question & Answer service designed to assist World Sailing Race Officials in applying the rules consistently. The answers are published on the World Sailing website.


Prescriptions and addenda


Click here to download a Protest Form


If a party is not satisfied with the outcome of a protest, they may appeal the decision. Appeals can only be submitted by parties to the original protest hearing.

As per the procedure outlined in Appendix R of the Yachting New Zealand publication of the Racing Rules of Sailing 2021-2024, Yachting New Zealand prescribes that:

  1. Appeals should be lodged on the prescribed form available from Yachting New Zealand. Click here to download an appeal form. Completed forms can be returned to: C/- Appeals, Yachting New Zealand, PO Box 331487, Takapuna, Auckland 0740 or fax (09) 360 2246 or email
  2. When no written decision on your appeal is received within 15 days of a request being made, in accordance with rule 65.2, an appeal shall be lodged not later than 21 days after the request is made unless the appeals panel at their discretion consider in the circumstances it is fair to extend this time limit.
  3. A fee of $105 shall be payable to Yachting New Zealand upon filing an appeal. Payment should be made by cheque (payable to Yachting New Zealand) or by credit card.
  4. The protest committee shall supply the information required by R3 of this appendix within 15 days of receiving a request to do so from Yachting New Zealand.
  5. Yachting New Zealand will act as appropriate under rule 71.2 if the protest committee fails to meet their obligations under R3.

If you require further information on the appeals process, please contact Yachting New Zealand.


World Sailing advertising code

The rules that prescribe advertising on boats when racing is contained in World Sailing regulation 20, advertising code, and the applicable class rules.

The right to display advertising on a boat is automatically granted to all Yachting New Zealand classes and to events sailed in New Zealand that are not subject to World Sailing regulation or

Any advertising that is displayed on a Yachting New Zealand class boat shall comply with World Sailing regulation 20 (World Sailing advertising code). In addition, any advertising that is displayed on a boat sailing in an event in New Zealand shall comply with World Sailing regulation 20 (World Sailing advertising code).

The following national classes have restricted the amount of advertising that can be displayed on a boat to manufacturers and sailmakers marks in accordance with World Sailing regulation 20.9:

  • 3.7
  • P Class
  • Phase 2
  • R Class
  • Zephyr
  • Noelex 22