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coaching course where coaches are learning to coach sailors


Coaches are integral to helping sailors fulfil their potential. The vision for our coaching system is to provide a world class coaching system where coaches have access to learning allowing them and their sailors to enjoy and succeed at the coaching level they aspire to. 

In this section you will find information on how to become a coach, how to improve your coaching ability and resources to support you. 

revalidate or upgrade
recognition of prior learning
course calendar
coaching resources
coach pathways

Revalidate or upgrade your coaching qualification

Revalidating or upgrading qualifications is a necessary step for Yachting New Zealand to make sure coaches are aware of current best-practice and continually upskilling with new coaching techniques.

There is always something new to be learnt and new approaches to consider in our sport.

Your coaching qualifications expire every four years.

Learn to sail (all types) and keelboat coaches

Learn to sail coaches and keelboat coaches can revalidate for free within two years of the qualification expiry. If a qualification remains expired for more than two years, coaches will need to take the learn to sail coach or keelboat coach course again.

Fill out the application form online (use the same form whether you are revalidating or trying to upgrade)

Race, performance and Olympic coaches

There are two ways for these types of coaches to revalidate a qualification:

Sit the next level coaching qualification


Fill out the application form online and choose a worksheet to complete. There are many options, varying from planning, video analysis, tidal analysis, wind analysis and designing new drills etc. There is no cost for this and it can be done in one of your coaching sessions anytime throughout the year. Once you have completed this, send it to the coach development manager for feedback.

The eight master coach worksheets are found here

Coach contact details

Let us know what contact and qualification details you would like shared with the public

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Recognition of Prior Learning

Yachting New Zealand coaching qualifications may be gained by providing proof of prior learning.

Yachting New Zealand does not have a direct transfer with any other country's qualifications, each person will need to apply individually.

Anyone applying for a recognition of prior learning (RPL) for a Yachting New Zealand qualification will be required to complete the online learning module “Coaching Yachting 101” to familiarise themselves with New Zealand safety guidelines and coaching standards, and the online module “Child Safeguarding”.

If your international qualifications have expired or it has been more than 4 years since you last coached, you may be required to complete a Yachting New Zealand coaching course. 

If you would like to apply for recognition of prior learning (RPL) please send the information below to YNZ's Coaching Development Manager:

  • Completed Application Form
  • A reference of coaching skills from a club you have worked at
  • Include your coaching CV
  • Include your sailing CV
  • Proof of powerboat handling skills (a reference or qualification will do)
  • Copy of relevant qualifications (current and expired)
  • Payment of $ 100.00 incl GST
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  • Find out all the information you need to know about Yachting New Zealand's coaching pathway and courses.
  • Find upcoming coaching courses, as well as coaching workshops, forums, conferences and more.
  • Are you stuck for ideas? Need some help? Below are a variety of resources to assist coaches in a variety of topics.
  • Search for a coach with a specific Yachting New Zealand coaching qualification, regional location or by name.

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