New Zealand is well represented at the top table of the sport, with Kiwis sitting on 11 World Sailing committees and commissions for 2021-24.
The various committees were approved at the recent meeting of the World Sailing council and all of the representatives came from hundreds of nominations from World Sailing's member national authorities.
Nominees were assessed based on their relevant experience and expertise, and factors such as good female representation, strong geographical split, a focus on emerging nations and new members to introduce fresh thinking were also taken into account.
Former two-time Olympic medallist Jo Aleh was also recently elected chair of World Sailing's athletes' commission, which reports directly to the World Sailing board of directors. The chair is also a permanent voting member of the board.
"We have worked hard to get representation at World Sailing and we are well represented in areas that affect New Zealand and Area L," said Yachting New Zealand chief executive David Abercrombie, who sits on both the events committee and youth events sub-committee.
"With good representation among Australians, who we work closely we, we have a voice in most areas of influence."
New Zealand's Graham McKenzie chairs the ethics commission and is also on the constitution committee, while Alistair Deaves is vice-chair of the international measurers sub-committee.
Highly-experienced race official Russell Green (race officials and match racing sub-committee) is also on two committees and there are a number of newcomers like Yachting New Zealand national sport development director Raynor Haagh (development and regions committee), Yachting New Zealand safety and technical director Angus Willison and Sally Garrett, who are both on the special regulations sub-committee.
"The committees and commissions are experts within their fields who are pivotal in World Sailing's decision making on policy and regulations," World Sailing chief executive David Graham said.
"These members volunteer their time to sit within the World Sailing committee and commission structure. We are extremely fortunate to have a vast number of members with outstanding experience and a deep understanding of our sport, and we welcome them to our extended team."
New Zealanders recently confirmed on World Sailing committees and commissions (2021-24):
Constitution committee - Graham McKenzie
Development & regions committee - Raynor Haagh
Ethics commission - Graham McKenzie (chair)
Events committee - David Abercrombie
International measurers sub-committee - Alistair Deaves (vice chair)
Match racing sub-committee - Russell Green
Race officials committee - Russell Green
Racing rules committee - Jamie Sutherland
Special regulations sub-committee - Angus Willison & Sally Garrett
Youth events sub-committee - David Abercrombie