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Become a YNZ member

Become a Yachting New Zealand member

Are you interested in becoming a member of Yachting New Zealand?

There are several types of membership of Yachting New Zealand. Below is information on each type and how to become a Yachting New Zealand member.

Club membership

Every yacht club throughout New Zealand is invited to affiliate to Yachting New Zealand to become an affiliated club. Club's membership contribution helps Yachting New Zealand deliver comprehensive services, products and resources specifically designed to help the  growth of yachting and boating in New Zealand.

If you would like to affiliate your club. Click here to download the club membership affiliation form or contact us for more information.

Affiliation fee

All clubs are charged an affiliation fee (levy). Your club’s levy will be calculated by multiplying the total number of individual club members by the affiliation fee. For the 2025/2026 year, the fees are set as follows:

  • Individuals - $32.20 plus GST
  • Family memberships
    • Two family members - $64.40 plus GST
    • Three or more family members - $79.82 plus GST (2.5 times the affiliation fee)
    • Please include the information for all individuals in a family when membership information is provided to Yachting New Zealand.
  • Corporate members - $32.20 plus GST per corporate membership
  • Schools - $32.20 plus GST (if individuals in that group wish to race they will need to be a member of your club, or another club, in their own right)
  • Life members - exempt
  • Patrons – exempt

For more information on the affiliation fee and how the membership returns work, click here

More information on the work Yachting New Zealand does

Class association membership

Each class or type of yacht sailed in New Zealand is invited to affiliate to Yachting New Zealand.

Affiliation fee

For an annual subscription of $164.25 (exclusive of GST), Yachting New Zealand offer extensive return on your investment.

Your membership contribution helps Yachting New Zealand deliver a comprehensive package of products and services specifically designed to promote the advancement and growth of yachting in New Zealand. If you would like to affiliate to or renew affiliation to Yachting New Zealand, we invite you to complete the Class association affiliation form.

Affiliated class associations can:

  • Give the title of national champion to the winner of the class national championships (provided all national event protocols are followed)
  • Have your class contact information promoted on our website
  • Use the Yachting New Zealand racing rules of sailing and prescriptions and access the Yachting New Zealand-administered appeals process
  • Utilise Yachting New Zealand’s programmes, products and services. This includes national training schemes, such as the ‘learn to…’ series, and coach training and race management - including national race officers, race management training and event management packs.
  • Receive a copy of the Yachting New Zealand annual report and financial statements
  • Access guidance and advice through Yachting New Zealand’s staff
  • Receive N3 membership and all the benefits it provides at no additional cost.

Commercial maritime membership

Commercial maritime membership is extended to commercial operators and organisations within the marine and maritime industries.

Affiliation fee

For an annual subscription of $547.49 (exclusive of GST), Yachting New Zealand offer extensive return on your investment, click here for the application form.

Affiliation as a commercial maritime member provides:

  • The opportunity to teach and promote New Zealand’s only nationally-recognised learn to Sail programmes and access to the Yachting New Zealand national sailing scheme for dinghies and keelboats, and accompanying teaching resources.
  • Endorsement and referral for your organisation. Yachting New Zealand receive numerous enquiries from your potential clientele.
  • A directory listing on the clubs, classes, members page of Yachting New Zealand’s website.
  • You will receive a copy of Yachting New Zealand's annual report and financial statements.
  • The ability to promote yourself through Yachting New Zealand’s communication channels (subject to approval by Yachting New Zealand).
  • N3 membership and all the benefits it provides at no additional cost.

Non-commercial maritime membership

Maritime membership is extended to non-commercial operators and organisations within the marine and maritime industries, and also to organisations that do not constitute clubs or classes but nonetheless offer a yachting experience, such as a secondary schools offering a sailing programme.

Click here to download the application form to become a member, or contact us for more information. Yachting New Zealand offer extensive return on investment for your annual affiliation subscription of $164.25 (exclusive of GST).

Affiliation as a non-commercial maritime member provides:

  • The opportunity to teach and promote New Zealand’s only nationally-recognised learn to sail programmes and access to the Yachting New Zealand national sailing scheme for dinghies and keelboats, and accompanying teaching resources.
  • Endorsement and referral for your organisation. Yachting New Zealand receive numerous enquiries from your potential clientele.
  • A listing on our website.
  • The ability to promote yourself through Yachting New Zealand’s communication channels (subject to approval by Yachting New Zealand).
  • Support from Yachting New Zealand's staff and committees, including the network of regional support officers.
  • A copy of Yachting New Zealand's annual report and financial statements.
  • A certificate of affiliation to the national sports body, which is often required for trust funding.
  • N3 membership and all the benefits it provides at no additional cost.

Personal membership

If you would like to support yachting in New Zealand, and the work we do, we invite you to become a personal member. Simply complete the application form and send it in to Yachting New Zealand, or contact us if you require further information.

Click here for the personal member application form. The annual subscription fee is $87.60 (exclusive of GST).

Yachting New Zealand personal members receive a member benefit card and app access.

More information on the member benefits

*Personal membership does not allow you to race under the racing rules of sailing. For this, you must be a member of an affiliated club.

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