The country moved to the Covid Protection Framework recently, which has seen a few changes to the way yachting and boating clubs operate, and we felt it was important to present some more clarity around what is an event and what is a gathering.
Sport New Zealand released more guidance last week that will help clubs decide if their regatta should be an Event or a Gathering.
Clubs can use the decision-making tree below to help decide how their regatta can be defined. We encourage clubs running a regional or national event this summer to look at this advice closely to confirm the guidance around how your regatta will be run using My Vaccine Pass or not.

A great tool to refer to when you know how your regatta is defined is this CPF summary table which shows at a quick glance how the Covid Protection Framework is implemented for Events and Gatherings as well as clubrooms offering hospitality. Full guidance and a growing list of FAQs is also available on the Sport New Zealand website.
Yachting New Zealand have also developed advice for clubs, as well breaking down the areas of or types of operation typical of a club, like coaching, clubroom use, launching areas etc.
Navigating running club coaching, club sailing days and regattas under the new Covid Protection Framework is new for everyone, so we encourage clubs who have questions to reach out to your regional development manager.
My Vaccine Pass
Sport New Zealand have updated their guidance on using My Vaccine Pass, which includes information on how to check passes, medical exemptions and privacy guidance on members emailing Covid passes.
Vaccination assessment tool now available
Many clubs will have already used a health and safety risk assessment, or the WorkSafe questionnaire, to determine if they can require work to be carried out by vaccinated workers on health and safety grounds.
The Government has just released a new vaccination assessment tool that you can now use for those clubs who haven't completed this process. There is no need for clubs to do another assessment if you have already been through the process.
The tool can be applied to anyone who could be considered a ‘worker’ under the Health and Safety at Work Act which includes paid staff, contractors or any volunteer considered to be a ‘volunteer worker’ under that Act.
Yachting New Zealand have links to all the above outlined in the COVID-19 Latest Updates website page. We recommend clubs keep referring to this page as it is updated regularly and has all relevant sport-related links in one place.
All of the country, excluding Northland, will be moving to Orange on December 30, with the next update on regional levels scheduled for January 17, 2022.