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Underprivileged BOP kids have chance to sail

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Sailing has a reputation as a rich man's sport, but Team New Zealand helmsman Peter Burling has broken that mould.

Tauranga's Peter Burling came from humble beginnings. Photo: ACEA

The 26-year-old came from humble beginnings and now the Bay of Plenty Sailing Academy Trust is giving underprivileged children the chance to follow in his shoes.

Bay of Plenty Sailing Academy Trust chairman Stuart Pedersen says it's a great way for underprivileged kids to try something new.

"I guess we felt that kids in New Zealand should have equal opportunity to go and try sailing," he told Newshub. "Around the world it's kind of a rich person's sport, but we felt that in New Zealand it didn't have to be like that.

"Some of these kids have never been to the beach, believe it or not, living in Tauranga. They don't have a vehicle at home, they are stuck in a small world, and this broadens this for them."

Over the past four years, Pedersen's seen five kids with real promise. The next step is finding individual sponsors to back these children through to year 13.