The best teams from Australia and New Zealand will descend on Algies Bay on October 1-4 for the 2018 Interdominion Schools Team Sailing Championships.
This popular regatta continues to develop, and this year will see three girls-only teams from both Australia and New Zealand compete for the first time, as well as the usual three open teams from each country.
The top three open New Zealand teams from April’s national event, which involved 32 teams from around the country, are Auckland Grammar School, Westlake Boys’ High School and Christchurch Boys’ High School - the latter qualifying for the event for the first time.
Napier Girls’ High School, New Plymouth Girls’ High School and Diocesan School for Girls make up the New Zealand girls teams. Nelson College were third at the national event, but are unable to make the trip north.
The Interdominion Trophy, which takes into account the points gained when the two countries (open and all girls) race against each other, is the main prize but also at stake is the Open Team Trophy and Girls’ Championship Trophy.
The New Zealand Team Sailing Association, who have organised the event, were disappointed no teams from around the Pacific entered to compete in the Pacific Rim section this year and are working to expand the regatta in the future. The Cook Islands, who have regularly competed, are absent this year.
Open teams
New Zealand: Auckland Grammar School, Westlake Boys’ High School and Christchurch Boys’ High School
Australia: Friends’ School, Westminster School and Brighton Grammar School
Girls teams
New Zealand: Napier Girls’ High School, New Plymouth Girls’ High School and Diocesan School for Girls
Australia: Fahan School, Ascham School and Canberra Girls Grammar School