Some of New Zealand's top female sailors will give advice to junior sailors at a Girls in Sailing social education night at the Murrays Bay Sailing Club on July 30.
The event will follow racing in the third round of the Auckland Junior Winter Sprint Series being run at the club that day.
Two-time Olympic medallist Jo Aleh, Olympian and SailGP sailor Erica Dawson and top windfoiler Veerle ten Have will pass on some of their knowledge and experiences, and a nutritionist will share age-appropriate advice.
Ten Have, who claimed silver at the 2018 youth sailing world championships and who this year has regularly featured in the world's top 10 windfoilers, will be on hand to answer questions and mingle with the girls.
"Yachting New Zealand have a Women in Sailing NZ network and one initiative that has come out of that is the importance of having an educational and social evening for 10-15 year-old girls to talk about a range of subjects," Yachting New Zealand regional development manager Kelly Mulcahy said.
"It's also a way for the girls to connect and take a way a bit of knowledge that could help make their sailing easier and more enjoyable."
Registrations are open here and anyone who registers by July 23 will receive a personalised gift. It's open to any young sailors, not just those who compete in the winter series, and free Pita Pit and ice-creams will also be available.
It's the intention of Yachting New Zealand to make resources featured at the Murrays Bay event available for sailors and clubs elsewhere in New Zealand.
- Photo: Live Sail Die.