We want to know what you think which is why members of yacht clubs are encouraged to complete the Sport New Zealand 2020 Voice of the Participant Survey.
The results of this survey help Sport New Zealand, Yachting New Zealand and your club better understand how our participants enjoy the sailing and boating experiences we offer and help us make decisions on how to improve our sport for everyone.
Club members should have received an email from us with a link to the survey, which takes about 15 minutes to complete. The survey link is able to be shared, so people can share it with club members you think may not have received it, or you can click the link below.
Clubs who get over 30 members complete the survey will receive a club breakdown for their own reference. And anyone who completes the survey will go into the draw to win a Zhik voucher valued at $100.
Thanks to those who have completed the survey. We have had some good numbers coming through and some clubs will definitely receive their own report. Please keep encouraging your members to fill it out, especially as the survey will close on September 30.