The second round of the Community Resilience Fund is open for applications, which is another opportunity for yachting and boating clubs to seek up to $25,000 of financial relief.
The Community Resilience Fund aims to provide financial support to active recreation and sport organisations who are experiencing financial hardship as a result of Covid-19 in the period of July 1 to September 30, 2020. The funding is part of the $265 million sports recovery package announced as part of Budget 2020.
Eligible organisations can apply for a maximum of $25,000 and applications are due by September 4.
Who can apply?
The fund is open to a wide range of organisations. The diagram below provides a brief guide on who might be eligible. Links to the full funding guidelines are below which provide more details.
Applications are welcome from organisations that have not previously received funding from Sport NZ, and those that may have received some support already through Community Resilience Fund in May/June 2020. The fund is not intended for organisations that already receive investment directly from Sport NZ.
One key change to the previous Community Resilience Fund will be the ability to claim assistance for a broader range of costs including operational costs that are critical to delivering activities and programmes, to support the reactivation of active recreation and sport now that New Zealand has moved to Alert Level 1.
"Hopefully everyone is coming out the other side of Covid-19," Yachting New Zealoand chief executive David Abercrombie said. "It's fantastic to be back sailing again and to be running programmes.
"Here's another fabulous opportunity to get your club back on its feet. We really appreciate Sport NZ's support in helping organisations who are embedded in delivering programmes of active recreation and sport in New Zealand."
More information
Fund guidelines
Application form questions
How to apply
Regional Sports Trusts will be taking applications for the fund until September 4, 2020.
More information will be posted on the Regional Sports Trust websites regarding the application process. You may only apply to the Regional Sport Trust for the region that covers your organisation’s registered address. For example, if your region is the top half of the North Island and your registered address is Whangarei, you would apply to Sport Northland.
A list of Regional Sports Trusts is below.
If you have any further questions, please email
North Island
Sport Northland
Aktive – Auckland Sport and Recreation
Sport Bay of Plenty
Sport Gisborne
Sport Taranaki
Sport Waikato
Sport Hawke’s Bay
Sport Whanganui
Sport Manawatu
Sport Wellington
South Island
Sport Tasman
Sport Canterbury – Canterbury/West Coast
Sport Otago
Sport Southland