PHRFs expired on May 31, 2022, so keelboat owners who intend racing in the upcoming season need to revalidate these certificates now.
Owners are also reminded that all base PHRF handicaps are being reviewed as part of a PHRF fleet review, with the intention this is completed by the end of the year. Changes are likely to be implemented in conjunction with the September and/or December boat performance reviews which incorporate the PHRF reviews based on the current season's racing.
On top of that, boat owners need to notify the PHRF committee of any changes to boats, including the following:
- Change of ownership
- Any changes which affect information declared during the PHRF certificate application
- Keel or rudder modifications
- Changes to a boat's rig, spars or materials used in standing rigging
- Any change that either increases or decreases the weight of a boat
- Changes that may affect the rigidity of a boats hull or structures
- Partial or complete replacement of decks or cockpits
- Any change which modifies the shape of a boat's hull
- Any other change which could be reasonably expected to affect a boat's performance
Documentation to support or further explain these changes is preferred.
Handicaps can also be reviewed for a variety of reasons, including:
- If you are consistently sailing above the 1.8 percent limit, the PHRF committee might use that as a basis to change the base handicap with a view of bringing the performance back to 0 percent variation.
- New boat PHRFs - the PHRF committee may alter the base handicap after a 12-month settling-in period.
All PHRF applicants should carefully check their certificates to ensure information is accurate.
The committee are aware and concerned with the common occurrence of boats racing in PHRF events with undeclared sails or modifications and would strongly encourage all owners to check their boat information to ensure fair and equitable racing under PHRF.
Boats may be open to protests by the race committee or fellow competitors if racing with undisclosed changes. The PHRF committee also have the right to check measurements and may do so at any time.
Click here to revalidate or apply for PHRF certificates.
For any other enquiries, email