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Nominate your young club member for 2025 Blake Inspire programme

Issue date

Yachting New Zealand and Blake NZ have joined forces to bring two young club members the opportunity of a lifetime - and we need your help to decide who.

Clubs are encouraged to nominate a young member (school year 11, 12, or 13 during 2025) to represent their club at the Blake Inspire programme in December.

The programme is a week-long residential leadership development programme where students will work together with scientists, environmental experts, a diverse range of leaders and other like-minded students to develop strong leadership skills while learning about topical environmental issues and how they can take action to tackle them.

Participation, adventure and learning are all key requirements for delegates. They will take part in environmental and marine science activities and visit businesses and local organisations to learn about what they are doing to reduce their impact on the environment. Students leave BLAKE Inspire with new friends, skills and clear action plans to start making positive change within their own schools and communities.

Two scholarships are available for the programme from December 1 to 5, 2025 with one of these scholarships to be awarded to a young person nominated by a Yachting New Zealand-affiliated club.

"The ideal candidate will be a club member who is active in club committees, involved in your club's Clean Club programme, or is an instructor delivering RŪNĀ," said Yachting New Zealand national sport development director Raynor Haagh.

"In addition to attending the Blake Inspire programme at no cost, Yachting New Zealand will cover the costs for the successful candidate to attend the 2025 Yachting New Zealand club conference."


Blake Inspire is a week-long environmental leadership programme.

The club conference is a biennial event that brings together club leaders from across the country to plan, network and help improve the quality of experience your club provides.

This year's event will take place at Bucklands Beach Yacht Club in Auckland on Saturday, May 24, 2025. Click here to read more about the 2025 Yachting New Zealand club conference.

Applications for the Yachting New Zealand Blake Inspire scholarship close on March 31, 2025, and you can submit your application by clicking here.