Both the Racing Rules of Sailing and Safety Regulations of Sailing have been updated and will come into effect on January 1, and yachties and boaties are encouraged to understand these changes.
Both books have a lifespan of four years, although the racing rules are updated regularly, and will be available for purchase from the Yachting New Zealand shop towards the end of January.
Delays due to Covid-19 have put back the printing of these publications and we will let clubs know when they are available - clubs can buy in bulk as normal.
An online version of the Yachting New Zealand Racing Rules of Sailing (which include the YNZ prescriptions) is available and can be found below.
World Sailing have provided a study version of the rules which shows the tracked changes and it is recommended that sailors refer to this version to better understand the changes that have been made. This can be found here.
Yachting New Zealand race officials committee representatives John Parrish (international race officer) and John Grace (international judge) have shared a presentation that takes you through the main rule changes relevant to sailors and those running races. A copy of the presentation for your reference is here.
The Safety Regulations of Sailing 2021-24 also comes into effect on January 1, 2021 and a searchable draft version is also available below.
"There haven't been too many changes but we hope sailors find the searchable version easier to navigate so people can find what they are looking for," Yachting New Zealand national development director Raynor Haagh said.
The Safety Regulations of Sailing are authored and administered by Yachting New Zealand and are designed to provide a safe but achievable standard of design and equipment appropriate for the conditions boats can expect to encounter.