As a sailor, surfer, and someone with first-hand experience of melanoma, TV presenter and radio host Mel Homer is passionate about educating New Zealanders on this deadliest of skin cancers.
Her story on melanoma within her family sheds light on the need to be vigilant about protecting your skin as well as having skin checks, and knowing what to watch out for.
“I’m around water all the time. My three kids have all been brought up around the water as well,” yet despite this she says it can still be challenging to get her kids to cover up.
Spreading the message of awareness around melanoma prevention and early detection is important to Mel, as she says most melanomas can be preventable, and if recognised and treated early enough it’s almost always curable.
Melanoma NZ have created an A to G guide to melanoma – essentially a list of things to look for on your skin that could be a sign of melanoma.
These range from asymmetric spots, freckles or moles, to uneven colour, to size and growth rate.
The visual chart is a way to help Kiwis start to understand their own skin, take note of the changes, and seek advice early.
More than 4000 people are diagnosed with melanoma every year in New Zealand and more people die from skin cancer than on our roads.
Above: Mel Homer shares her experience with Melanoma.
For more information on signs, treatments, and resources, visit the Melanoma NZ website here.