The importance of regular skin checks was highlighted when Melanoma New Zealand referred as many as nine people for further examination after a free spot check at the Wakatere Boating Club last Friday.
The Melanoma New Zealand van set up at Wakatere on the second day of the Oceanbridge NZL Sailing Regatta. Melanoma New Zealand nurse educator Gill Rolfe saw 56 people, and found two suspected BCCs (basal cell carcinoma), one suspected SCC (squamous cell carcinoma), two suspected melanomas and four other spots of concern.
Melanoma New Zealand's spot check van travels the country with an experienced melanoma nurse educator on board, offering free spot checks and providing education and information about all aspects of melanoma.
Enquiries for a booked van visit can be made by corporate groups or smaller organisations of at least 20 people by emailing
Melanoma is the most serious type of skin cancer, and can spread rapidly and be life-threatening if left untreated.
The sailing community was left mourning the passing in November last year of well-known sailor Pete Waters, who lost his battle with melanoma.