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LiteClub reduce costs for Yachting NZ clubs

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About 40 yacht clubs around New Zealand have saved more than $250,000 on their running costs through making some simple changes recommended by LiteClub.

LiteClub is a free service that helps community sports clubs save money on their running costs by being more efficient with energy, water and waste. These efficiency changes not only reduce the clubs’ impact on the environment, they also free up money to put back into what really matters – sport.

During 1-2 hour-long club visits, the field team make on-the-spot changes, such as upgrading old lighting to LED, insulating hot water cylinders and pipes, installing water-saving devices in taps and toilets and setting up sorting bins to make recycling easier. LiteClub’s sustainability advisers also note larger opportunities to improve efficiency and the club is sent a report with recommendations following the visit.

The best part about it: LiteClub is completely free for clubs – both the visit and the products installed. This is made possible thanks to a variety of funders ranging from local boards to community, energy and gaming trusts.

Since 2011, 1264 clubs have been visited nationwide. The changes made are calculated to save more than $7.4 million that can go back into sport. Only one-third of Yachting New Zealand clubs have been visited so far and the expected savings from these visits totals more $250,000 over the lifetime of the products installed, or nearly $6500 for each club. 

To secure a visit by the LiteClub field team, register your interest on their website. LiteClub will then be in touch to arrange a time to visit your club. Please be advised that places are limited and it is first in, first served. LiteClub makes a loop of the country every year, beginning with Auckland this winter.

For more information about LiteClub, see here, or please contact Shawn Elise Tierney at the LiteClub office ( or 09 377 6792).