Clubs will soon receive information outlining this year's Yachting New Zealand affiliation process.
The method of calculating a club's cost of affiliation to Yachting New Zealand is based on a per club member levy system.
We will be contacting each club to ask for a list of members as at March 31 and, like last year, we'll be requesting the date of birth, email address, gender and ethnicity of those members. There is a small increase to the levy rates for the 2022/23 season as agreed by the members at last year's annual general meeting.
The information collated helps us better understand who is participating in sailing and boating through our clubs. This information, alongside other insights gained from surveys and our relationship with clubs, helps us understand the needs of our sailing and boating community and guides decision making around programmes and services.
It's also crucial in order to retain annual funding from Sport New Zealand, to seek new funding and be able to provide more targetted support to our clubs.
We'd appreciate clubs to come back to us with their club membership details by April 29, 2022, and all of the information you'll need to complete the template will be outlined in the letter which was circulated on Monday.
Rest assured, this information will not be shared with any third party.
If you have any questions around the 2022/23 membership renewal process, please contact Beth Orton or your regional development manager.