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Introducing Angus Willison; YNZ Safety and Technical Officer

Issue date

Yachting New Zealand is pleased to welcome Angus Willison to the role of Safety and Technical Officer.

Angus has been a Safety Inspector since 2009 after returning from an extended cruise with his young family, and he is an enthusiastic supporter and active participant. In the role of Safety and Technical Officer he is responsible for Safety Inspectors and regulations, safety advice and advocacy.

Angus originates from Auckland however has raced, cruised and delivered boats from South America to South East Asia sailing extensively between 10 degrees north and 50 degrees south. Angus is married to Anna and they have three children who are actively involved in the centerboard classes which demands much parental involvement.

The family yacht ‘Innocenti’ is a 3 skin kauri Wilson built Bruce Clark 42’, sister ship to Quintessence, Allegrese and Toronui. Angus and his family cruised ‘Innocenti’ for three years as far east as French Polynesia and as far south as Tasmania. Unfortunately now she fits in to the hectic family schedule as a bolt hole for parents and the re locatable bach.

Angus also runs a beehive hire business around the city ( and a group buying scheme for commercial and industrial electricity users ( Angus’s passion is spending time on ‘Innocenti’ and can quite often be found simply spending time aboard with or without the family however more often than not accompanied by the family standard schnauzer dog ‘Dean Barker’ or ‘Barker’ for short.

After many years of service Michael Churchouse retired as YNZ Safety and Technical Officer on 14 October 2014. Michael joined Yachting New Zealand in 2006 after returning from a 7 year circumnavigation aboard the family 30 foot yacht ‘Shantung’ which, coincidentally, was designed and built by John Lidgard. Michael has purchased a nursery which he works in with his two sons which takes up every spare moment.