We want to know what you think which is why we'll be conducting two really important surveys as well as getting around and talking to clubs in the next few weeks.
Those of you who joined us for our recent club conference series will remember the importance of getting feedback from our members to better understand the make-up of our sport and how we can deliver the right kind of programmes.
The data that many clubs sent us with affiliation this year provides us with only so much information so now it's time to get your feedback to check in with how Yachting New Zealand is doing. The information we receive will allow us to review our programmes in more depth and will also help us shape our strategic direction, which is due for a refresh later this year.
This month we are inviting club committees to complete the Yachting New Zealand club survey in order to let us know how we have been doing over the last 18 months since our last survey and give clubs an opportunity to offer some suggestions on what we can focus on to support clubs and their members.
Please expect to receive the invitation to complete this in the coming week. We would really appreciate it if the club committee could complete this together to get a representative view and it shouldn’t take any more than 15 minutes.
We are also working with Sport New Zealand to find out what is important to your members through the Voice of the Participant survey.
The results of this survey help Sport New Zealand, Yachting New Zealand and your club better understand how our participants enjoy the sailing and boating experiences we offer and help us make decisions on how to improve our sport for everyone.
Next week many of your members (if you have shared their email address with us) will receive an email from us with a link to the survey. We expect it to take 10-15 minutes.
Clubs who get over 30 members complete the survey will receive a club breakdown for their own reference. And anyone who completes the survey will go into the draw to win a Zhik voucher valued at $100.
I had hoped to get around the country about now with national sport development director Raynor Haagh to meet many of you during a nationwide tour but our efforts have been hampered by Covid-19. I really enjoy these opportunities to meet with those in the regions and I always come back with plenty of ideas.
Unfortunately we won't be able to do this year but, in its place, we are going to host some regional meetings with commodores or club representatives. This will be a good chance for us to check in on how your club is going and how the upcoming season is shaping up but also for us to get additional feedback on what Yachting New Zealand does for your club and what we can do better or more of in the future.
Your regional support officer will liaise with you to find a good time to talk and I look forward to catching up soon.