Auckland remains in alert level 3 after the Prime Minister's announcement tonight which means yachting and boating clubs in the region need to stay closed and all activities suspended in line with government guidelines.
Hopefully this is just a temporary measure, however, and those in the Auckland area (from Wellsford to Pukekohe) will be able to return to the water in 12 days' time as outlined this evening. It relies on all of us playing our part so we can return to the relative freedom we had been enjoying.
It also means the offices at Yachting New Zealand are still closed and staff are working from home. If you require any assistance, please don't hesitate to contact your local regional support officer or drop me an email.
The rest of the country remains in alert level 2 so, for those outside Auckland, please follow the guidelines if you are planning on any club activities over the next few days or are heading out on the water.
You can find more information about what the different alert levels mean for yachting and boating clubs here and the Sport New Zealand website also clearly outlines the various alert level tables.
We will continue to update you when we have more information.
Finally, I would just like to thank those people who joined us for the first of the Yachting New Zealand Club Conference webinars on Wednesday night and look forward to the remaining two sessions over the next two Wednesdays.
Kia kaha
David Abercrombie
Yachting New Zealand chief executive
- Photo: Tasman Bay Cruising Club