Yachting New Zealand are presently asking for membership data as part of the affiliation process and we thought it would be useful to let you know why we require the information and what it is used for.
We fully appreciate the importance of protecting this private member data we are asking for, so we have outlined how important this is for our sport and how we ensure your members' privacy is protected at all times.
For us to effectively manage our sport, we need to firstly know who is actually participating in our sport and that's why the membership data is so important. By having detailed information, we can then make informed decisions that can help the sport and recreation of sailing and boating.
Understanding actual club numbers and makeup, and what makes our sport so unique and how it ticks is also crucial in assisting funders and sponsors when making informed decisions on whether to align themselves with sailing and boating programmes and events.
Many of you have asked who will see the information gathered and whether it will be shared. Rest assured, your club information will be seen and used by Yachting New Zealand staff only and will not be passed on to any third parties.
The following information is required for each individual club member, including volunteers, life members and club patrons:
- Member (individual) name and surname
- Member subscription category
- Club subscription amount paid
- Date of birth (not an age band)
- Email address
- Gender
- Ethnicity
Date of Birth
This information can help us identify the various demographics within our sport and whether we need to change the structure of what we do to cater to these demographics. It will also help us identify changing demographics and indicate areas of possible concern, as well as clearly establish the groups we want to market our sport to.
The information enables us to identify multiple individuals within our CRM who may have the same name as well as help us prevent storing non-important data.
Email address
This helps Yachting New Zealand communicate with our clubs and their members more effectively and transparently and also makes things easier for our clubs and their members. Understanding what Yachting New Zealand does and accessing available benefits is more easily achieved through these digital services.
Yachting New Zealand last year launched a Women and Girls in Sailing strategy to attract more female participants, retain those already sailing and advance equal opportunities.
We need to better understand what proportion of our sailors are male and female, what programmes we can implement that are specific to females, what barriers exist to prevent females from sailing and how females are catered for. It can be as simple as understanding why some clubs have more females than others and what they are doing differently that works.
We presently have very little data on ethnicity to help us paint a picture of the ethnic makeup of our sport. This would be crucial to help us identify what cultural barriers are in place preventing more participants and how we can encourage greater diversity within the sport.
We know you might have some more questions, so Yachting New Zealand chief executive David Abercrombie will be available for a Zoom session on Monday, June 22 at 5pm. Please register your interest here and let us know what you would like to have answered.
We can also help you with any communications to your members on this topic. Contact monique@yachtingnz.org.nz with your enquiries.