Thanks to Covid-19 more Kiwis are turning to their boats for holiday plans, and many haulouts and maintenance providers are already very busy.
“Our advice to boaties is to book your contractors first and your haulout space to suit,” said Lucy Goodchap form Tauranga Bridge Marina.
The Floating Dock at Westhaven are dealing with the double-whammy of catching up after Auckland’s level 3 lockdown and more boaties than usual planning to go boating this summer instead of travelling.
The Floating Dock run an online booking service and have indicated that Thursdays and Fridays before weekend races are especially busy and that weekend haulouts are booked out for the rest of the year, although the Floating Dock are running a waiting list and suggest booking an overnight haulout to avoid disappointment.
In Northland, Marsden Cove Marina’s boatyard is also under the pump.
“It would be a wise move to book haulouts and maintenance ahead of time,” manager Brent Wilson said. “Do it sooner rather than later and, if you need a boat builder, painter or rigger, start booking them now as the Northland area is already near to capacity.”
- To reduce the chance of growth on your hull, props, shafts and running gear, get a lift and clean every 3-6 months and antifoul annually. This will also increase your speed and fuel efficiency.
- If there are water restrictions in your region, look for a haulout that uses an alternative water supply such as salt water, recycled water or bore water. Several of these are identified in the new haulout directory.