The Elliott 5.9 Class Owners Association has a Elliott 5.9 class boat that is available for free charter to a qualifying crew.
The purpose of the charter is to allow youth or development crew to participate in the competitive one design Elliott 5.9 class across the highly successful Elliott 5.9 Traveller Series.
The Elliott 5.9 attracts a competitive fleet and is currently one of the largest non-Olympic classes currently in NZ.
Over time, the class has continued to help develop some of New Zealand's top sailors and the Class Association is pleased to be in a position to offer this ongoing opportunity for crew and sailor development.
Application Process
Applications will be accepted from qualifying crews and the association will make the boat available to the selected crew for the duration of at least one Traveller Series season and any other period of time or regatta, such as the Nationals, that may be negotiated.
The qualifying criteria are as follows:
- All crew members must be under the age of 25 years
- The boat must attend all Traveller Series regattas in the given year
- Rotation of crew members between regattas is allowed but a maximum of six crew only can be used across the whole Traveller Series.
- Must be able to store boat with off street parking (see additional note below)
- Must be able to tow the boat to each regatta with a suitable tow vehicle and current drivers licence
- Take care of minor maintenance to boat and trailer
- The boat can be sailed with 4 crew members if they meet the Crew Weight Trial requirements
- Each charter will be for a maximum of one season
The Elliott 5.9 Class Association will provide:
- A boat, including sails, that meets the class rules (Note: the boat must not be modified in any way without first seeking class association approval)
- Roadworthy, registered and warranted trailer.
- Associate Class Membership (non voting)
- Free entry into the full Elliott 5.9 Traveller Series
- Full boat insurance
Note re storage: The class may be able to help with boat storage in various locations if the qualifying crew does not have suitable storage.
To apply, please email
Please include:
- information thats shows you can meet the criteria as outlined above
- A brief crew CV including sailing background, experience and goals.
For more information on the Elliott 5.9 Class Association visit
About The Elliott 5.9
The Elliott 5.9 emerged in the early 1980’s as a high performing trailer yacht and continues to deliver competitive one design racing in a welcoming fleet of world-class sailors and novices alike. The boats started a revolution with their well-balanced and cost effective design, and quickly became the boat of choice for top club training schemes and a breeding ground for NZ’s America’s Cup, Ocean Race and Olympic champions.
Sailed by a crew of three, the Elliott 5.9 remains a low maintenance sailboat with an efficient single spreader fractional rig, a well-balanced sail plan and practical deck layout. Whether sailing among mixed trailer yachts, sport boat fleets or in a one design setting, the 5.9 is celebrated for its responsiveness and outstanding value.