The regatta calendar is expected to fill up fast with a number of clubs and class associations having already rescheduled national events postponed because of Covid-19.
November and December are already looking as though they could be busy months as plans are put in place for next season. The Optimist, Young 88 and Starling classes have already confirmed their national championships, which were postponed due to the lockdown, for this period and others like the Young 88s and Elliott 5.9s are not far away.
It would pay for clubs and class associations to check with others where the same sailors might compete at multiple events to ensure they don't clash.
There is no issue for classes to run their 2020 and 2021 national championships in the same season, as long as there is only one nationals annually. It would be useful for regatta organisers to confirm their new dates on the Yachting New Zealand regatta calendar so others can see what is planned.
There is no need to resubmit your event application to us or NOR for approval if the date is all that is changed, however please do let us know the new dates.
To update your competitors about the changed date of your regatta you need to post an notice to competitors with an amendment to your NOR and republish your amended NOR on your club and class pages where advertised. For example see the Elliott 5.9 notice to competitors.
Please contact Yachting New Zealand programmes and services manager Colin Rickett for more information.